Saturday 14 November 2015

Artist Research - David Hurn

This is a body of work that documents the landscape of welsh culture in Black & White, although it does focus more on the social aspect of Welsh life, the majority of which have now gone-by, such as the collective in-prom-tu sing alongs within public houses. There are several images within this series however that depict the wonderful & dramatic landscapes across the small country of Wales, from the busy industrial centres of South Wales to the vast mountainous region to the north.

This particular image of Porthmadog  stood out to me as a landscape image, I like the balance of composition within the photograph, a large proportion of the frame is filled by the grey sky at the top and calm water at the bottom. The picture reads well from left to right as you follow the mountainous peaks of Snowdonia which fade into the distance before re-emerging with a jagged façade and fall in elevation to the right of the frame. As you follow this line of sight there is some more natural interest with stray cattle present in the water, showing a human presence of farming within a large environmental area.

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