Sunday 15 November 2015

Previous - Landscape Narrative

In the second year there was a requirement to submit a series of Landscape images that contributed to a narrative, and I chose to document an abandoned football stadium in Gloucester, Meadow Park is the former home of Gloucester City FC and suffered severe damage from the infamous 2007 floods that forced the club to move around the county to this very day. The series was shot on a medium format camera which produced pleasing results, looking back at these photographs there are a few things that I have noted to be more wary of moving forward into this landscape module.
It is important to photograph with the narrative in mind, the tell not just a story but inform the viewer about what's in front of them through several image that flow and work well with each other. Take care when shooting when there is bright sunlight present, exposing the camera to capture shadow areas will blow out the sky and or light source as pure white, which isn't ideal when coming to print.

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